Rain, Rain, and Even More Rain!!!

Mind you, we've had rain every day for the last four days or so - and no, I am not complaining - but last night was a close call!   According to the weather service, we got 6 inches of rain in just under 2 hours!!!

As soon as the rain had let up enough for me to step outside, I noticed that our backyard had turned into a lake.....  I made my way to the chicken coop, and fortunately all fifteen were safe and sound inside the coop.  Their run, however, was a different story!  The water was more than ankle deep though out the run......  and will take days to dry out.

But on the bright side, the garden sure did drink up all that water!   I am pretty sure that without the raised beds, our garden would have been a total loss - the force of the water running through our yard would have leveled all the plants.
