Old Man Winter

Well, I suppose it was overdue....... last winter (2011/2012) was very mild - not one bit of snow that I can recall, which is apparently fairly rare for this part of North Carolina - and so far, this winter (2012/2013) has been very mild too (WET, but very mild).

So on Friday night, the husband mentioned that *one* of the weather forecasting websites had said we might get a snow flurry or two on Saturday - no big deal... probably wouldn't happen....

We get up Saturday morning, and i peek out the window, and see teeny tiny little snow flakes falling.  They weren't sticking or accumulating, probably because there were so few of them, and the day before it was 60 degrees F.  We feed the dogs, and leave the house to run all the errands that had accumulated during the week - and the teeny tiny snow flakes persisted, but still no accumulation.  Finally, at around 3 pm, the deluge began!!!  Those teeny tiny snow flakes got bigger and bigger..... after a few minutes, it was literally a white out, with accumulations!!!   Needless to say, the dogs loved it!  (I cannot wait to get the backyard fenced in so that they can really play in the snow the next time!)

The snow was beautiful - it gracefully coated all the trees, making a winter wonderland out of our backyard. THIS is what I love about winter - a nice little snow fall on a Saturday!!!
